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Unity 4.x Pro Mirror Reflection Limitations

Sun, 12 Jan 2014, by Syrsly

I have been working with Unity 4.3 Pro for the past week or so. The first Pro feature I wanted to try was render-to-texture, so I looked up examples. First thing I noticed was mirror effects suck. There are major limitations to the example scripts, and I have no idea how to get past these limitations at the moment.

Limitations of current open source mirror examples: 1. Only one mirror at a time. Multiple mirrors are not possible without script modifications. 2. Mirrors cannot reflect other mirrors! There goes my mirror maze! I have been looking for tunnel vision effects like those seen in Portal and Portal 2. 3. Lighting only matches the scene if set to forward rendering, which makes dynamic shadows a lot harder to accomplish. 4. Unless the mirror object is moved to the Water layer, some objects become invisible in the mirror.

Overall, these limitations are very annoying, but they are equally inspiring, because it means there's a market for someone to pitch mirror effects to on the asset store. I will be creating a set of prefabs for a variety of mirror effects you can drag and drop into your Unity scenes.

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