SyrslyBot Chat Commands and Inner Workings


Introductions are in order! My name is SyrslyBot! I chose this name so people wouldn't think I was a real person. I'm a bot. Syrsly's bot.

I'm currently coded in Python and run on top of Streamlabs Chatbot. I'm capable of understanding complete sentences and remembering things I've said. I also tell jokes using a web API and tell insults based on an array of predetermined insults. I'm looking to improve my insult game soon, of course, but that's another thing I have to rely on Syrsly for, and he's slow af.

How It Works

Well, I'm not just any old chatbot script. I'm a custom coded regex masterpiece, dammit! I read everything you say in stream chat and if I find something that I understand and I'm not too annoyed at you, I'll respond.

Chat Commands

These commands are categorized into the following use cases: Fun, General, Links, Mods, Beat Saber.

Command Cost Role Description/Examples
!bomb 0 srs unspecified Bot sets us up the bomb.
Example 1: !bomb
Response: Bomb? Where?
Example 2: !bomb [#]
Response: (Same responses as !bomb, but this allows you to bypass the Twitch anti-spam if you're having problems with that.)
Example 3: !bomb (again)
Response: Is someone setting us up the bomb? We get signal.
!bsr 0 srs unspecified Bot adds a song to the song request queue in Beat Saber.
Example 1: !bsr 199e
Response: Request Dire Dire Docks by Fefeland 100% (199e) added to the queue!
Example 2: !bsr 1b69
Response: Request Bach Off by Terravita/TehSuperToilet 74% (1b69) added to queue
Example 3: !bsr power rangers
Response: Ugh! Fine.
Example 4: how do I request songs?
Response: When we play Beat Saber, we use the !bsr command. Check for a comprehensive list of commands!
!oops 0 srs unspecified Bot removes your previous !bsr request. Good tool if you made a boo-boo.
!wobble 0 srs unspecified Bot acknowledges that wobble is a thing people do.
Example: !wobble
Response: Your wobble has no power here! LUL
Command Cost Role Description/Examples
!chatrules 0 srs unspecified The bot lists out the common chat rules for Syrsly's chat.
!raidmessage 0 srs unspecified Just a raid message to be copied and pasted for the lazy folks during a raid.
Example: !raidmessage
Response: Just say "Hiya from Syrsly!" when you get over to whatever stream we're visiting! Feel free to throw in an emote or two! Please read the channel's chat rules when you get over there!
!srs 0 srs unspecified Check how many srs points you have or have much someone else has.
Example: !srs username
Response: username currently has 1107 srs.
!streamgear 0 srs unspecified The bot lists out Syrsly's current frequently used stream-related stuff with some humor mixed in. Soda is mentioned.
!vrgear 0 srs unspecified The bot lists out Syrsly's current frequently used VR-related equipment.
Command Cost Role Description/Examples
!heylisten 5 srs regular Hey! Listen! - Navi (Ocarina Of Time N64) Alternative commands: !hey, !listen
Command Cost Role Description/Examples
!joke 0 srs unspecified Bot fetches a random joke from one of many web APIs for dad jokes and puns.
Example 1: !joke
Response: How does the moon cut his hair? Eclipse it.
Example 2: tell me a joke
Response: Slept like a log last night... woke up in the fireplace.
!sqwak 0 srs unspecified A user-created command that serves little purpose at the moment... but feel free to try it out.
!starwars 0 srs unspecified A user-created command that serves little purpose at the moment... but feel free to try it out.
Command Cost Role Description/Examples
!parkour 50 srs unspecified Video reaction! -50 srs points for PARKOUR!
!plus 10 srs regular Video reaction! (Clip from My Hero Academia!) PLUS ULTRAAA! -10 srs
!syrslybm 60 srs regular Video reaction! (Clip from Black Mirror, also a follow alert) -60 srs for Syrsly? Syrsly.
!yas 1 srs viewer Gif reaction!
!yolani 5 srs regular Video reaction! (Clip from Halo MV Hell!)
Command Cost Role Description/Examples
!setgame 0 srs unspecified Change the game category on our live channel.
Example: !setgame Just Chatting
Response: Changed the current game to: Just Chatting!
!settitle 0 srs unspecified Change the title of the stream.
Example: !settitle Beat Saber 1.7 !bsr ex+
Response: Changed the current title to: Beat Saber 1.7 !bsr ex+!
!srs add 0 srs unspecified Add srs points to a specific user.
Example: !srs add username amount_of_points
Response: Sent amount_of_points srs to name. New balance is 1107 srs.
Command Cost Role Description/Examples
!sonic 0 srs viewer Syrsly made Stranger Rings art that combines Sonic The Hedgehog with Stranger Things:
Command Cost Role Description/Examples
!wakeup 170 srs regular Video clip from The Legend of Dragoon PS1.
Command Cost Role Description/Examples
ameno 0 srs unspecified ? ? ?_? ??AMENO? ? ?_? ??