
Fix Gaomon PD2200 Pen Display Not Working

I bought the Gaomon PD2200 pen display way back in min 2020 as a replacement/upgrade for my Artisul D13 pen display, which wasn't working quite as well with the specific software I was trying to use at the time. I was tired of the Artisul software incompatibility issues, so I sought out Gaomon as a better compatibility with most software alternative with a similar price range. Both are still great pen displays even today (in 2024), and they'll probably both stand the test of time and last quite a while. The Artisul one is now in my wife's desk space and used sparingly for signing documents and occasionally for her to doodle or make Canva designs. The Gaomon pen display is still my daily driver.

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Back In The Year 2024...

Man, I feel like I've experienced so much craziness in just the past few years. I've witnessed an attempted insurrection by people who were already kind of in charge in a country for a while, which really takes the cake for most crazy event... but I also see LLM AIs and similar technologies taking over almost every aspect of internet culture and media. I'm feeling like the first humans witnessing a Borg takeover. Resistance is futile!

Anyway, this blog post is just me telling the internet that my blog is back in working order and I'm ready to get back into writing articles on a regular basis. I just need to figure out what I'm going to cover.

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Useful Linux Command: Find File By Name, Sort By Date

The command below finds a file based on its filename and then sorts the results by oldest to newest:

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Unity3D Assets I Currently Utilize

Following up on a previous post about Unity assets I love, I wanted to showcase what I'm currently using in my Unity game development and VR development workflow.

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  • Wed, 15 Feb 2017,
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