Most popular search results to hit

Most popular search results to hit

Sun, 25 May 2014, by Syrsly

Since I'm in favor of openness and transparency, I feel I should give people an idea of where my site's traffic comes from (for the most part). Below are the top five search queries which result in a page being on the first page of Google (in privacy mode).

  • daikon forge unirpg (7th result, 1542 unique hits in April 2014)
  • list useful unity3d asset store (front page is 5th result, hits unknown)
  • mmog skill tap (2nd result, unknown hits)
  • reset drupal password script php (10th result, 982 hits on May 4th, 2014)
  • josh maines (most of the results of the first 5 Google results pages)
Note: These are not in any particular order. They are also probably outdated search results by the time you read the list.  Search results change often, and my ability to track the traffic/results is poor.

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