Syrsly's Blog

cartoon of Syrsly waving hi

Hey! Syrsly here! This is my blog!

I talk about Game Dev, Art, Movies, TV shows, Streaming, Code, VR and Tech in general.

That Time VR Was Mainstreamed By Google & Disney

Tilt Brush was awesome.

There are a lot of times in VR's history which led to tons of user adoption, and one of those times was when Google created a mobile app that turned your phone into a simple VR headset that could look around at depth-enabled content and even connect wirelessly to your computer to play games with stereoscopic 3D visuals. Soon after that, Disney partnered with HTC to advertise a Google app called Tilt Brush which ran on the HTC Vive as a launch exclusive. Tilt Brush was actually release April 2016 as a freebie for Vive purchasers. That's right, Tilt Brush was a launch title for the HTC Vive, and its advertising was about Disney using it to create 3D Little Mermaid drawings. Times were simpler...

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Taking a Break: 2024 U.S. Election Edition

This went about as poorly as you could imagine.

I'm so disappointed in The United - yeah right - States of America, and I can't emphasize enough how sorry I am for the world to have to endure our country's worst leader another 4 years...

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WTF Happened October 2024

Happy Halloween!

This is the sixth recap post, affectionately titled "WTF Happened." This is a monthly news post of sorts. I'll use these recaps to briefly cover cool, exciting and also not-so-good and downright terrible events which happened in and around the past month. I'll cover things like world news, movies, TV shows, tech, VR, personal projects (like this blog), cool game releases, and anything I find out during the month that I personally think is worth mentioning. I ask around on social media toward the end of each month for ideas, and I may or may not steal credit for the news I place here! I will cite references when it suits me! Moving on....

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Best Gamepads/Controllers 2024

What can I say? I like buttons.

After a rather lengthy discussion about the Gulikit controller being my number one pick for all-around best controller ever made, I decided I need to put together an article about all the best controllers for various use cases. This is a list of the best game controllers on the market in 2024 based on my own experience. I've tried all these controllers myself and am not just picking things blindly! Oi.

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