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Taking a Break: 2024 U.S. Election Edition

Wed, 06 Nov 2024, by Syrsly

I'm so disappointed in The United - yeah right - States of America, and I can't emphasize enough how sorry I am for the world to have to endure our country's worst leader another 4 years... 4 years after he already proved himself incompetent and even got himself nearly impeached by his own party (House Resolution 755) right before his first term was ending. I voted responsibly and always told others to do the same, and in the back of my mind, I always thought that was enough. Now, I'm regretting that stance in a big way. I'm finding myself looking back on past decisions and wishing I took a more proactive approach toward making sure everyone knows what to vote for if they want a better world for all. This feels like the worst timeline now. A timeline where Superman is evil is actually better than this, because at least Superman has superpowers so I can understand why people follow him: fear. The thing is, we might want to start fearing what Trump and his followers will do this term. It could be just more nonsense, but it could be a lot worse.

I'm taking a break from social media, including streaming and blogging for the next few days. I will not be posting a Most Interesting Games for this month, but I may make up the missed time next month. I just don't have a mind for video games right now.

I'm not suicidal, but I fear I will become suicidal if I don't distance myself from the media at least for a short period. I'll be back once I feel up to writing, and I'll likely make more YT videos about VR games, but for now, the world deserves a moment of silence, because the U.S. of A. is a world superpower and has just regressed 8 years of policy at least with a ton of tariffs on the way. The world economy will likely suffer long term.

I would like to be wrong about all of this. I would like the world to be better off with Trump and his administration at the helm. However, that's just wishful thinking. We elected a fascist criminal, and we can't even say it was the electoral college's fault.